From the Editor
By Joe Quarmby
I am proud to bring you the 2019 edition of the TPT Newsletter. It showcases the achievements of the field trip program and celebrates all of the hard work put in by TPT over the last 12 months. Highlights of the season include finding record numbers of Caladenia saggicola at Milford, recording new locations of Pultenaea sericea, Prasophyllum apoxychilum, and Phyllangium distylis at Granite Point Conservation Area, and undertaking the first targeted surveys for the recently described Viola curtisiae on Mount Wellington.
TPT revisited several important threatened flora sites in 2019, some of which had not been surveyed for more than a decade. This included Mt Arthur for Boronia hemichiton, Dans Hill for Tetratheca gunnii and Spinning Gum Conservation Area for (you guessed it) spinning gum. We also visited many of our usual sites including Tunbridge Lagoon, Amy Street Reserve, and Henry Somerset.
It has been a turbulent year for TPT with the retirement of Richard Schahinger from DPIPWE, and long standing committee members Viv Muller, Phil Collier and Robin Garnet also stepping down. Richard, Viv, Phil and Robin have been an integral part of TPT over the last 10 years, and have all played a pivotal role in the success of the group. I would like to acknowledge the massive contribution that they have all put into TPT and thank them for their dedication, knowledge, enthusiasm over the years.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank Inger Visby for doing such as great job as TPT President. Inger recently stepped down as President, after 3 years in the role. She has done an exceptional job and has put TPT in a strong position to continue its important work. As a reflection of the magnitude of her work load, the committee have had to divide up her tasks to make it manageable for the incoming President. Geoff Curry has recently agreed to take on the President role for the next 12 months. Well done Geoff!!
Looking forward, TPT is planning to deliver a slightly scaled back field trip program for the 2019/2020 season. We have the support of Oberon Carter from DPIPWE who will help to set field trip priorities and provide technical assistance throughout the season. We also have lots of expertise on the TPT committee as well as within our membership, and collectively we have the ability to continue with threatened plant conservation in Tasmania.
I trust that you will enjoy the stories in this edition and hope you can join us in the upcoming field season.
Kind regards, Joe Quarmby