Proposed program for the 2024/25 season

(updated 04/11/2024)

The TPT field trip season typically runs during spring and summer, but we sometimes have other events outside this period, such as social events and workshops.

Below is a DRAFT list of some potential Field Trips planned for the coming season. These trips may change or be cancelled for various reasons such as: effects of current weather patterns; change of personnel within our partner organisations; budget re-prioritisation etc.

Members can log in here to view Field Trips currently open for registrations 

Anyone can come to our workshops, social events, and AGM - click here for upcoming public events





Trip purpose / Notes

10 August The Pod, RTBG Orchid Training Training
11 August The Pod, RTBG AGM AGM
21 September Cambridge Caladenia saggicola Annual species count
20 October Meehan Range Ozothamnus reflexifolia Extension Surveys
24 Oct - 11 Nov Midlands Paraprasophyllum taphanyx, Paraprasophyllum tunbridgense, Paraprasophyllum incorrectum and Caladenia anthracina Extension surveys
12 November Mt William NP Zieria veronicea Extension surveys
16 November  Jordan Nature Reserve Several threatened native grassland species Weeding
16 November Cambridge Prasophyllum milfordense Annual species count
08 December Campbell Town Recreation Complex Native Grasses Training Training
January Surrey Hills Prasophyllum crebriflorum Annual species count
February Hobart International Airport Several threatened native grassland species Extension Surveys
15 February TLC Pine Tier Hovea montana, Muehlenbeckia axillaris, Pheroshpaera hookeriana, Westringia Angustifolia Identify presence of threatened species
TBA TBA Bryophytes, Liverwarts training Training
TBA Campbell Town Golf course n/a Social Outing - Golf