2024 President's Report

by Geoff Curry

Another year has passed and TPT is in a strong position with members putting themselves forward to take positions on the committee, this will only make TPT a better organization as they will bring varied experiences and contacts with them. I am hopeful that all vacant positions can be filled to continue the work done by the committee over the past years. I thank the retiring members of the committee for their contribution to making TPT what it is today.

The last couple of years have seen a drop in Field Trip opportunities for several reasons, some being budget cutbacks by our partners reducing the amount of field work being undertaken, the ongoing drought conditions across much of Tasmania and again change of personnel within our partner organizations.

During the past 12 months NRE Threatened Species Section has secured Commonwealth funding for a project that aims to prevent the extinction of Phebalium daviesii (Davies’ waxflower) by increasing the number of individuals in the wild and establishing four additional ‘insurance’ populations and to collect additional seed for long-term storage and establish a seed orchard at the RTBG as additional insurance measures. There will be the opportunity for involvement in this project by TPT members.

TPT has also committed to support the Landscape Recovery Foundation’s Graveside Leek Orchid Recovery Program that has also received Commonwealth funding. TPT’s involvement will include members contributing to extension surveys of the Paraprasophyllum taphanyx (graveside leek-orchid). A callout for these Field Trips will be sent to members shortly once dates are locked in.

TPT committee continue to support the Ethical Photography Campaign to reduce the impacts of nature photography in Tasmania by actively making Ethical Photography a part of every Field Trip.

There are a lot of positive opportunities in the coming years for TPT and its members to work with our partner organizations on a range of projects and species across the state. Landcare Tasmania has recently sent a questionnaire to its landowner / land manager members about threatened plants on their properties, all responses to this questionnaire will be scrutinized and its expected opportunities to undertake surveys on some properties will result.

As this will be my last report as President, I feel confident in TPT’s future and look forward to the new committee writing the next chapter in its history.

Geoff Curry