Member Update
By Geoff Curry
Our TPT AGM is booked for Saturday 9th September in The Pod at the Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens in Hobart starting at 10.00am. Further reminders and an Agenda will be distributed before the date.
Please put the date into your diary and give some careful consideration to stepping up and taking on a role in running TPT. A number of the Committee Members have held their positions for several years and I have personally been a Committee Member since 2009 and Field Trip Leader since 2010. I feel its time I hand my role onto one of TPT's newer members. We are also looking for someone to take on the role of Secretary.
The Committee has done a great job of putting together a comprehensive draft Field Trip Program that includes the continuation of our long term monitoring programs and some very interesting Field Trips to new sites that will cover a diverse range of threatened species, habitats and locations across the state.
These field Trips will require TPT Leaders if they are to go ahead and currently there are not enough Leaders to fulfill these roles. Being a Field Trip Leader is not an onerous role as there are procedures set out to follow and support from the more experienced Leaders.
On the website is a DRAFT ONLY list of some potential Field Trips planned for the coming season, these trips may change or be cancelled for various reasons such as: effects of current weather patterns; change of personnel within our partner organisations; budget re-prioritisation etc. Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM on the 9th September, and please consider becoming more involved in the running of TPT (either as a Committee member or field Trip Leader) so that we can continue the important work we do.
Geoff Curry
Threatened Plants Tasmania