Proposed program for the 2022/23 season

(updated 18/9/2022)

Members can log in here to view Field Trips currently open for registrations 

Anyone can come to our workshops, social events, and AGM - click here to view any upcoming events

Note: field trips are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseeable circumstances, and must comply with all Covid-19 guidelines in place at the time of each trip.

Site Proposed Date Species Main purpose
Campbell Town Golf Course  July 2022 Social event Fun social Golf Day with TPT and the Campbell Town Golf Course where we've been surveying orchids for many years. Open to members & non-members. Registrations will be available on the Public Events page
The Pod, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hobart  20 August 2022 AGM Annual General Meeting with speaker James Wood from the RTBG Seed Conservation Centre. Registrations will be available on the Public Events page
TLC Kelvendon Hills  September

Lasiopetalum micranthum, Eucalyptus barberi, Scleranthus fascicularis, Ozothamnus lycopodioides 

+ more

Baseline surveys at new reserve with Tasmanian Land Conservancy, limited volunteer numbers

rescheduled to 8 October

Caladenia saggicola Annual population survey
Midlands, private properties October, November,   December Prasophyllum taphanyx, Prasophyllum tunbridgense, Prasophyllum olidum, Prasophyllum incorrectum, Caladenia anthracina, Pterostylis commutata Threatened orchid extension surveys, with the Landscape Recovery Foundation & Tasmanian Orchid Conservation and Research Program
TLC Eagle Rock Reserve  October Caladenia dienema, Spyridium vexilliferum, Euphrasia collina spp. tetragona + more Baseline surveys at new reserve with Tasmanian Land Conservancy, limited volunteer members
Dan’s Hill Conservation Area + Anderson’s Creek Regional Reserve, Beaconsfield  October or November Tetratheca gunnii (Shy Susan / shy pinkbells) Annual population surveys over 1-2 days
Cambridge  November Prasophyllum milfordense Annual population survey
TLC Long Point Reserve  November Wilsonia humilis, Wilsonia rotundifolia Baseline monitoring prior to hydrological restoration, with Tasmanian Land Conservancy
Southport Bluff  November Epacris stuartii (Southport Heath) Bag flowering branches of Southport Heath
TLC Prosser River  December  Eryngium ovinum Baseline monitoring to determine extent and abundance
Southport Bluff  December Epacris stuartii (Southport Heath) Collect seed from branches bagged on previous trip
Surrey Hills Estate 21/22 January 2023 Prasophyllum crebriflorum Extension surveys and population monitoring


































The TPT field trip season typically runs during spring and summer, but we sometimes have other events outside this period, such as social events and workshops.