Proposed program for the 2022/23 season
(updated 18/9/2022)
Members can log in here to view Field Trips currently open for registrations
Anyone can come to our workshops, social events, and AGM - click here to view any upcoming events
Note: field trips are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseeable circumstances, and must comply with all Covid-19 guidelines in place at the time of each trip.
Site | Proposed Date | Species | Main purpose |
Campbell Town Golf Course | July 2022 | Social event | Fun social Golf Day with TPT and the Campbell Town Golf Course where we've been surveying orchids for many years. Open to members & non-members. Registrations will be available on the Public Events page |
The Pod, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hobart | 20 August 2022 | AGM | Annual General Meeting with speaker James Wood from the RTBG Seed Conservation Centre. Registrations will be available on the Public Events page |
TLC Kelvendon Hills | September |
Lasiopetalum micranthum, Eucalyptus barberi, Scleranthus fascicularis, Ozothamnus lycopodioides + more |
Baseline surveys at new reserve with Tasmanian Land Conservancy, limited volunteer numbers |
Cambridge |
rescheduled to 8 October |
Caladenia saggicola | Annual population survey |
Midlands, private properties | October, November, December | Prasophyllum taphanyx, Prasophyllum tunbridgense, Prasophyllum olidum, Prasophyllum incorrectum, Caladenia anthracina, Pterostylis commutata | Threatened orchid extension surveys, with the Landscape Recovery Foundation & Tasmanian Orchid Conservation and Research Program |
TLC Eagle Rock Reserve | October | Caladenia dienema, Spyridium vexilliferum, Euphrasia collina spp. tetragona + more | Baseline surveys at new reserve with Tasmanian Land Conservancy, limited volunteer members |
Dan’s Hill Conservation Area + Anderson’s Creek Regional Reserve, Beaconsfield | October or November | Tetratheca gunnii (Shy Susan / shy pinkbells) | Annual population surveys over 1-2 days |
Cambridge | November | Prasophyllum milfordense | Annual population survey |
TLC Long Point Reserve | November | Wilsonia humilis, Wilsonia rotundifolia | Baseline monitoring prior to hydrological restoration, with Tasmanian Land Conservancy |
Southport Bluff | November | Epacris stuartii (Southport Heath) | Bag flowering branches of Southport Heath |
TLC Prosser River | December | Eryngium ovinum | Baseline monitoring to determine extent and abundance |
Southport Bluff | December | Epacris stuartii (Southport Heath) | Collect seed from branches bagged on previous trip |
Surrey Hills Estate | 21/22 January 2023 | Prasophyllum crebriflorum | Extension surveys and population monitoring |
The TPT field trip season typically runs during spring and summer, but we sometimes have other events outside this period, such as social events and workshops.